Steve tries the advice of a poker coach and plays like a complete maniac for an hour, playing every single hand, raising and 3 betting preflop. If he makes it to the flop he then c-bets or reraises every single time without fail.
Mike makes it out to Trader Joe's to put in an application and a few book stores as well.
00:00 - 02:00 Intro
02:00 - 12:00 Free training opportunity at: - Nick Wealthall
12:00 - 19:00 Reraising with trash / good variance
19:00 - 31:00 Steve hand history
31:00 - 58:00 Mike hand history
58:00 - End Mike's job hunting
Steve's Hand History 1/3 NL
MP $3
LP $3
Hero SB AdAh $12
MP and LP call $12
Flop ($39) Kh Td 5c
Hero bets $22
MP calls $22
LP folds
Turn ($83) Qc
Hero bets $45
MP shoves for $162, $290 in the pot, $117 for hero to call.
Mike's Hand History 5/10 NL
UTG $10
Hero UTG+2 6c6d $10
But $10
SB raise $100, everyone calls
Flop ($410) A 7 6 rainbow
Checks around
Turn ($410) Q completes rainbow
SB chk, UTG chk, Hero bets $250, But folds, SB calls, UTG folds. Heads up to the river
River ($910) 4
SB chk, Hero bets $615, SB pauses for 15-20 seconds and shoves all in. Pot is $3775 and it is $1635 for hero to call.
Thank you guys for listening. Please send us any hands you would like reviewed and leave comments at:
Enjoy :)